Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My favorite piece!

Wow it has been chilly!  When it is cold it is important to layer up for your workouts.  As you work up a sweat you can tear off the layers.  My favorite layering piece is the Swiftly Tech Long Sleeve top from Lululemon.  I wear it ALL year long! 
                                                        (photo from lululemon.com)
In the colder months I wear my swiftly over a tank, and then wear a sweater over the swiftly.  They come in a bunch of different colors and stripes.  The material is thin and breathable and it wicks sweat.  In the warmer months I layer it over my tank in the mornings and take it off as the day warms up.  I even keep one in my purse so if I go into the grocery store or a restaurant and get cold I can just throw it on.  It folds up very small and is very light.
                                                           (photo from lululemon.com)
The swiftly comes in a few different cuts.  There are long sleeve, short sleeve, and racerback.  They even have longer ones for those with long torsos and short ones for shorter torsos.  The fit is pretty much the same for all 3 cuts.  I love the material and fit so much that I have many in each different cut in many different colors. 
                                                          (photo from lululemon.com)
They even have swiftly headbands, which I also love, as well as swiftly tops for men which my husband loves.
                                                          (photo from lululemon.com)I am a HUGE Lululemon fan but understand that it is not in everyone's budget.  My advice...start slow.  Buy a piece here and a piece there.  Ask for gift cards for birthdays and Christmas.  It is an investment but one that is well worth it.  Everything I have purchased from Lulu has held up amazingly well.  It is all quality stuff and will last a long time.  Just DON'T dry any of it, I hang dry everything to keep the color bright and make it last longer.  I keep an eye out on the website www.lululemon.com on their "we made too much" page.  You can get some great deals but it is not returnable like the normal priced product.  Shipping is always free though!  Also, if you live near an outlet you can get amazing deals there!  I went to the outlet mall in San Marcos, TX this weekend on the way back from The Fittest Games and got some great deals!  I got a short sleeve swiftly for about 40% off it's normal price, a pair of pants that were almost 50% off, and another tank for 25% off. 

Find you closest Lululemon store and go try stuff on.  The best part about walking into the store is that the educators are so passionate about the product and are very helpful.  Once you get your first piece it will be an addiction!


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thumbs up or thumbs down....

If you are anything like me then you have a hard time ordering online without seeing and feeling the product first.  There are so many small companies out there that have some really cute stuff but don't have a store.  I am a very visual person, I need to see it.  How does it fit?  Is the sports bra supportive enough for a WOD?  Will I be able to WOD in it more than once?  I always have so many questions that fill my head before I click the "place order" button.  Workout gear isn't cheap and I want to know that I get quality product for my money.  I always take a look at the reviews but I always question if they are really written by a consumer or by someone who works for the company.  My goal with this blog is to give product reviews on as many products as I can.  I want to hear what you want.  Is there something out there that you have been eying but just aren't sure if it is worth the cost?  Let me know!!!!

I am a female but I know some of you dudes out there wonder the same thing about product before you buy it.  My husband is a competitive CrossFitter and I know how important it is for your gear to be good quality to last and to be comfortable.  Send me your ideas as well and he will try it out.

Email me at sweatchicblog@gmail.com to shoot me some ideas.  First on my list is to try out the new site, fabletics.com.  Stay tuned for what I give a thumbs up and what I give a thumbs down!


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Commando or not?

This is a very important question!  Shoutout to my girl at Eat.Pray.Wod, Aislinn, who asked the quesiton.

LADIES!  LADIES!  LADIES!  Commando ALL.THE.WAY!!!!!  I know, I know, some of you just can't do it but panty lines just aren't attractive.  Geez, if I were to wear panties under my workout pants I would be picking a wedgie most of the workout haha!  And a thong?  Now that just doesn't seem hygienically right.  I mean being all sweaty with a string between the cheeks just doesn't sound fun to me.  It may be that I grew up dancing and panty lines were a HUGE no no, but I feel 100% comfortable going commando when I wear my workout pants.  The pants are made thick enough to not be see through and most have a little liner in them.  What do you do about shorts?  Wear compression shorts underneath them.  Nike sells a bunch of cute colored shorts for not a lot of $.  Most shorts come with liners now.  My fav is the Lululemon speed shorts...um A-MAZING when it is hot outside!  So next time you are questioning wearing panties or not, try it, do it, go commando!  You will thank me when you get use to it :)

Now FELLAS............you are a completely different story!  Compression shorts or pants is an absolute MUST!  Already one of those guys who wears compression pants and can't understand how others don't?  Well believe me they DO!  And those of you who ask why?  Um why not?  You gotta protect the family jewels!!!  I don't understand how you can't feel it flapping around while doing kettle bell swings or anything that involves using your hips (pretty much every explosive movement).  Or how about the thought of getting it caught while pulling the bar up for a clean or a snatch?  OUCH!!!  Being in the industry for years now I have seen it too many times.  I have seen old men walk around the gym...yes outside of the locker room...with white (thin white might I add) boxer briefs and I have seen guys in my own gym flapping around.  I don't look because I am in awe, I look because the silky workout shorts don't hide much.  Once I see it, it is all I notice and in my mind I am asking how you don't notice it as well haha!  So guys, please do everyone around you a favor...including the goods...and wear compression shorts!  Not boxer briefs!  Invest in a good pair of compression shorts!!!!  You can thank me later :)  And all of the other gym goers can thank me as well!


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hello world!!!

Why HELLO world!  I am just a normal southern girl with a love for fashion and for fitness, so why not write about them?!  As a dancer from the ages 2-16, I have always loved to be on top of all the trends.  Yep, I grew up loving pink, bling, and LOTS of eye makeup.  I really began my love for fashion 10 years ago when I entered the world of fashion merchandising.  I have nothing but fond memories of the fashion world, but when I decided to leave I was over it and happy to go haha!  Man, it was a cut throat world!  Four years was enough, it wasn't for me.  You either toughened up or you GTFO!  My first boss at Macy's molded me into who I am as a business woman today.  She taught me to stand up for myself, work my ass off, take pride in what I do, and to pay attention to EVERY little detail.  Many tears were shed during the time she was my boss, but outside of the walls of Macy's we were great friends.  She definitely toughened my skin and made me stronger and I love her for it and miss her tremendously!  

Once I was done in that world, I entered the fitness industry at a big box gym.  Ha, I thought that the fashion industry was cut throat?  The fitness world was just as bad!  From sales meetings, to budget meetings, to meeting your monthly goal, it was a tough life to live!  Not only did I live and breathe that lifestyle, my husband did as well.  We spent many late nights at our clubs both trying to meet our sales goal, manage our departments, and make sure the gym ran smoothly when we were on call.  Yet again I had bosses who molded me into who I am today.  I had already had the drive to be the best from my previous boss, but these 2 ladies taught me compassion, management skills, and to just have fun.  They too became very good friends of mine and I miss them both!

My husband and I now co-own a CrossFit box.  THANK GOODNESS for CrossFit!  It has allowed both of us to be our own bosses and do what we love!  I LOVE my job but for the last year there has been something missing, something I love.  Finally today I realized what was missing, it was the fashion world!  Still to this day, I walk into stores and check out their mannequins, I check to see if they pinned the outfits correctly, I look at all of their signage to make sure it is straight, basically I critique the entire store haha!  I still love to match my outfits and have a great time picking out what I am going to wear that day, but I miss talking about fashion.  I love the days that I walk into Lululemon and am greated by their awesome educators and we just talk Lulu!  When I am in the box all that is talked about is how bad the WOD was, what PR was hit, etc...it is CrossFit talk!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to talk about CrossFit and see how our members progress, but I miss the girlie things.  So here I am, I plan to write about it!  I hope you enjoy future blogs.

Whew!  First blog down!  Now on to the next :)
