Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thumbs up or thumbs down....

If you are anything like me then you have a hard time ordering online without seeing and feeling the product first.  There are so many small companies out there that have some really cute stuff but don't have a store.  I am a very visual person, I need to see it.  How does it fit?  Is the sports bra supportive enough for a WOD?  Will I be able to WOD in it more than once?  I always have so many questions that fill my head before I click the "place order" button.  Workout gear isn't cheap and I want to know that I get quality product for my money.  I always take a look at the reviews but I always question if they are really written by a consumer or by someone who works for the company.  My goal with this blog is to give product reviews on as many products as I can.  I want to hear what you want.  Is there something out there that you have been eying but just aren't sure if it is worth the cost?  Let me know!!!!

I am a female but I know some of you dudes out there wonder the same thing about product before you buy it.  My husband is a competitive CrossFitter and I know how important it is for your gear to be good quality to last and to be comfortable.  Send me your ideas as well and he will try it out.

Email me at to shoot me some ideas.  First on my list is to try out the new site,  Stay tuned for what I give a thumbs up and what I give a thumbs down!


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