Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hello world!!!

Why HELLO world!  I am just a normal southern girl with a love for fashion and for fitness, so why not write about them?!  As a dancer from the ages 2-16, I have always loved to be on top of all the trends.  Yep, I grew up loving pink, bling, and LOTS of eye makeup.  I really began my love for fashion 10 years ago when I entered the world of fashion merchandising.  I have nothing but fond memories of the fashion world, but when I decided to leave I was over it and happy to go haha!  Man, it was a cut throat world!  Four years was enough, it wasn't for me.  You either toughened up or you GTFO!  My first boss at Macy's molded me into who I am as a business woman today.  She taught me to stand up for myself, work my ass off, take pride in what I do, and to pay attention to EVERY little detail.  Many tears were shed during the time she was my boss, but outside of the walls of Macy's we were great friends.  She definitely toughened my skin and made me stronger and I love her for it and miss her tremendously!  

Once I was done in that world, I entered the fitness industry at a big box gym.  Ha, I thought that the fashion industry was cut throat?  The fitness world was just as bad!  From sales meetings, to budget meetings, to meeting your monthly goal, it was a tough life to live!  Not only did I live and breathe that lifestyle, my husband did as well.  We spent many late nights at our clubs both trying to meet our sales goal, manage our departments, and make sure the gym ran smoothly when we were on call.  Yet again I had bosses who molded me into who I am today.  I had already had the drive to be the best from my previous boss, but these 2 ladies taught me compassion, management skills, and to just have fun.  They too became very good friends of mine and I miss them both!

My husband and I now co-own a CrossFit box.  THANK GOODNESS for CrossFit!  It has allowed both of us to be our own bosses and do what we love!  I LOVE my job but for the last year there has been something missing, something I love.  Finally today I realized what was missing, it was the fashion world!  Still to this day, I walk into stores and check out their mannequins, I check to see if they pinned the outfits correctly, I look at all of their signage to make sure it is straight, basically I critique the entire store haha!  I still love to match my outfits and have a great time picking out what I am going to wear that day, but I miss talking about fashion.  I love the days that I walk into Lululemon and am greated by their awesome educators and we just talk Lulu!  When I am in the box all that is talked about is how bad the WOD was, what PR was hit, is CrossFit talk!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to talk about CrossFit and see how our members progress, but I miss the girlie things.  So here I am, I plan to write about it!  I hope you enjoy future blogs.

Whew!  First blog down!  Now on to the next :)



  1. Awesome! Looking forward to reading your blogs and for what's to come!!:)

  2. This is awesome Mel!!! Definitely going to spread the word here in Austin to check out your blog.
