Sunday, January 19, 2014

Commando or not?

This is a very important question!  Shoutout to my girl at Eat.Pray.Wod, Aislinn, who asked the quesiton.

LADIES!  LADIES!  LADIES!  Commando ALL.THE.WAY!!!!!  I know, I know, some of you just can't do it but panty lines just aren't attractive.  Geez, if I were to wear panties under my workout pants I would be picking a wedgie most of the workout haha!  And a thong?  Now that just doesn't seem hygienically right.  I mean being all sweaty with a string between the cheeks just doesn't sound fun to me.  It may be that I grew up dancing and panty lines were a HUGE no no, but I feel 100% comfortable going commando when I wear my workout pants.  The pants are made thick enough to not be see through and most have a little liner in them.  What do you do about shorts?  Wear compression shorts underneath them.  Nike sells a bunch of cute colored shorts for not a lot of $.  Most shorts come with liners now.  My fav is the Lululemon speed A-MAZING when it is hot outside!  So next time you are questioning wearing panties or not, try it, do it, go commando!  You will thank me when you get use to it :)

Now are a completely different story!  Compression shorts or pants is an absolute MUST!  Already one of those guys who wears compression pants and can't understand how others don't?  Well believe me they DO!  And those of you who ask why?  Um why not?  You gotta protect the family jewels!!!  I don't understand how you can't feel it flapping around while doing kettle bell swings or anything that involves using your hips (pretty much every explosive movement).  Or how about the thought of getting it caught while pulling the bar up for a clean or a snatch?  OUCH!!!  Being in the industry for years now I have seen it too many times.  I have seen old men walk around the gym...yes outside of the locker room...with white (thin white might I add) boxer briefs and I have seen guys in my own gym flapping around.  I don't look because I am in awe, I look because the silky workout shorts don't hide much.  Once I see it, it is all I notice and in my mind I am asking how you don't notice it as well haha!  So guys, please do everyone around you a favor...including the goods...and wear compression shorts!  Not boxer briefs!  Invest in a good pair of compression shorts!!!!  You can thank me later :)  And all of the other gym goers can thank me as well!


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