Thursday, February 13, 2014

My first nomination :)

So....I was nominated for the Liebster Award by my girl Aislinn over at Eat.Pray.WOD.  Check her out to follow her journey.  I am proud to say that I pushed her to begin a blog and she has BLOWN up and was even featured on our local news.  I am soooo proud of her because she puts it all out there.  She has progressed so much in life and in the gym, I truly love to see her grow each and every day!

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. What exactly is a Liebster?   Liebster is German and means favorite or beloved!  I feel so loved that Aislinn would nominate me :)
Here are the rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. No tag backs!
 So here it goes...a little about me!
1. Most embarrassing moment? I have MANY embarrassing moments!!!!  OMG soooo many haha!  I am pretty clumsy (despite all the dance classes and karate classes my dad paid for haha) and can be a little ditzy at times but that is what makes me me right?  I fall down WAY too often that I am not even embarrassed anymore.  I would say my most embarrassing moment was when I forgot to wear a bra too work.  Yep I did that!  I was a visual merchandiser at Bass Pro Shops at the time...I worked with a bunch of dirty old men who probably would have loved to know I showed up braless.  I didn't notice until I walked in to the employee break room (which was upstairs).  I went to adjust my bra strap which was more of a comfort thing I guess and I noticed there was nothing there.  Eeeeekkkkk no bra!!!!  I quickly ran out and drove to Wal-Mart down the street.  I purchased the cheapest bra and put it on in the Wal-Mart restroom.  Luckily my boss just laughed when I sent her a text as to why I was late haha!  
2. Favorite recipe?  Geez I have 2!  My mom's homemade German Chocolate cake is too die for!!!!  She makes it all from scratch and it is A-MAZING!  I can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until it is all gone lol!  And I love love love my mother-in-law's pulled pork BBQ.  It is something she has to make everytime we visit.  We have made it many times before and it is never as good as hers.
3. Item of clothing you feel most confident in and why?  My cowboy boots!  I am a TX girl and always will be.  Whenever I put my boots on with a good pair of jeans I get a little extra pep in my step.  When the boots are on it means that I will be DANCING ALL NIGHT LONG!
4. What do you do to relax?  I like to lay on the couch and watch Netflix all day.  I usually watch old movies that take me back to simpler times as a teen.  A good glass of wine always helps as well :)
5. If you could choose anywhere in the world to spend a week, where would it be?  I would have to say at my best friend's lake house.  I have so many fond memories there as a child to an adult.  It is just a simple house with 2 with the living and kitchen and one big room with a bunch of beds.  I remember crawling around in the dark and annoying her grandma as a kid to sleeping in her grandma's bed passed out from too much fun in the sun as an adult.  It is so relaxing to be out there with nothing but friends, family, booze, food, the boat, and water. 
6. Favorite beer?  Dos XX lager with salt and lime hands down!  In TX we order one and ask for it to be "dressed" that means with salt and lime.  I ask for a Dos XX dressed here in Louisiana and they look at me like I'm crazy haha!
7. Least favorite way to sweat?  I LOVE to sweat!  Although, I do hate to sweat when I am dressed up with somewhere to go.  Here in the south it gets so hot that you begin to sweat the moment you walk outside.
8. Would you rather: Have to wear 80's style blazers with shoulder pads everyday for the rest of your life OR wear Lady Gaga's meat dress once a week for the rest of your life?  Eeekkk that is a tough one!  I HATE shoulder pads and it gets WAY to hot here to wear a blazer everyday.  I would go with the meat dress.  Atleast that option is only for one day a week haha!
9. Quote you live by?  Love is enough.  I got it tattooed on my arm to remind me that as long as you have love anything can be conquered.  My husband and I have gone through many tough times but have ALWAYS loved eachother.  As long as we have love we can get through anything.
10. Favorite color and why?  To wear...PINK!  There is something about pink that makes me feel powerful to be a woman.  In my house...BLUE!  Blue is so relaxing!
11. Who would play you in the movie of your life?  That is a tough one!  I guess Reese Witherspoon?  IDK?  Sweet Home Alabama comes to my mind.  As much as I was ready to leave San Antonio, TX, I always find myself whenever I go back.   The saying that you can take the girl out of TX but you can't take the TX out of the girl is SOOOO true!  I find myself, my peace, my happiness when I go home...especially when we go out to the TX hill country where I pretty much grew up on my parent's land.  We would camp every weekend and watch the stars at night in the bed of the truck.  Something about that is so peaceful and relaxing.  I miss it tremendously!!!
I am totally new to this blog thing so I don't know many blogs.  Aislinn named everyone I know so mine stops here haha!  I hope everyone has a GREAT Valentine's with those that they love!

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